San Geronimo Valley Planning Group

In late 2016 the Planning Group undertook a water quality testing project in response to Marin County’s intent to study the feasibility of a sewage treatment plant at the then-San Geronimo Golf Course to service portions of Woodacre and San Geronimo. To justify the proposed treatment plant, supporters of the project frequently claimed that the Woodacre Flats was heavily contributing to contaminants in the Lagunitas Creek Watershed. It therefore became critical that the Planning Group  definitively determine the sources of any creek contaminants.

After careful consideration we selected Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to conduct a detailed analysis of water samples collected over a six-month period using the lab's "PhyloChip" technology, a highly sophisticated DNA-baded method to detect and distinguish sources of microbial contamination in water. You can read a  summary of the lab's findings here.

From previous studies we know there are problem septic systems throughout the Valley. Based on the Lawrence Berkeley study, however, it does not appear septic systems are the severe watershed pollutant we thought they were.

To achieve a proper and effective solution to the problems of pollutants in the watershed we need to understand exactly what the level of pollution is and where and what source it comes from. It is the sincere hope of the San Geronimo Valley Planning Group that the results of this study will provide context and a baseline for future research and planning efforts for the San Geronimo Valley.